My technical and personal observations about softwares and other entities

Sunday, February 22

Baingan Bharta Reciepie

  • 1 Brinjal (normal size)
  • Jeera (Cumin seeds)
  • 2-3 green chilies, chop them according to your choice
  • A few kadi-pattas (Curry Tree)
  • Onion -chop it finely
  • Coriander (chop it)
  • Ground Nuts (fry and pil the covers-see pics)
  • Haldi (Turmeric Powder)
  • Eating Oil
  • curd
  • garlic (lahsun)
  • Red Chili Powder
  • Hing (Asafoetida)
  • Namak (Salt)
  • Rai (black mustard seed)

Before reading the procedure - please see the pictures carefully-they explain the procedure very-well.
  1. make slits all over the brinjal, heat it on the open flame till its soft/black.
  2. peel the skin of the brinjal/black part after it becomes cool.
  3. Smash it (look at the images).
  4. Heat the oil, add rai-make sure it makes noice and changes the color. Add cumin seeds, make sure it makes little bit of noice and changes the color.
  5. Add kadipata, garlic, chilies. Add peanuts. After that add chopped onion, fry it for some time.
  6. Add haldi/turmeric poweder, Hing.
  7. Add red-chili poweder.
  8. Add the smashed brinjal, fry for some time. Add dhania-patta.
  9. Fry for some time.
You are ready with Baingen-Bharta.


Bhavin Shah said...

Sopan, the bharta looks delicious, I hope it tested well time u r trying any veg dish, u can invite me as a QA :-)

Unknown said...

thanks for the reciepie....

whenever if I make it I will give it to u for taste !!!

SopanShewale said...

@bhavin - sure
@sudhir - sure

Unknown said...

Wah jiju, good recipe..
Anu made it today and was delicious.

Keep posting more of these :)